Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Crafty Upcycling 1

If you know me, you know I'm one of those people who hates for things to go to waste. I always imagine that random objects can have second lives where they are useful and loved. Hence people tend to save lots of stuff for me to make over. Sometimes this stuff tends to pile up... but I get to it eventually... hopefully :)

A while back, my mom gave me an old yellowed plastic lazy susan she was no longer using. Actually she gave me two, but I've only made over one so far. Anyways, add a coat of paint, some pretty scrapbook paper and a made over glass jar... don't forget a pretty flower... and voilĂ , a new gorgeous useful second life to otherwise passed over objects destined for a landfill somewhere :)

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1 comment:

  1. Nice! I just covered mine with aluminum foil paper, but I like your idea better.
